Saturday, September 5, 2015

WHOOO'S Reading??? Learn2Earn

Students! We are using Lear2Earn to log the book you read. It is so fun to use, you will answer questions, earn gold coins and point! You can customize your owl, too! They are so cute!!! Make sure you follow the instructions given and spread the word, you will love it! This platform is great for all ages and I hope we can get more students on board!!! READ READ READ!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Chapter 11-20 Review

After reading chapters 11-20 respond to the question:
Have you ever decided you didn't like someone based on something someone else told you?
Did you later change you mind when you got to know that person for yourself?
What did you learn from this experience?

Chapter 20 Review

After reading chapter 20 respond to the question:
How do you feel about the ending...did you like it or not and why?

Chapter 19 Review

After reading chapter 19 respond to the question:
Why do you think Chief Custaleta and the Shaman want to help Mina? Do you think thier "Indian medicine" will help Papa?

Chapter 18 Reflection

After reading chapter 18 respond to the question:
At the end of the chapter what do you predict Mina will do?

Chapter 17 Reflection

After reading chapter 17 respond to the question:
How does Mina feel about Lissette? What evidence from the text tells you so?

Chapter 16 Reflection

After reading chapter 16 respond to the question:
On page 100, what does the author mean when she says "something had broken loose inside of them"?

Chapter 15 Reflection

After reading chapter 15 respond to the question:
On page 96 it reads"It was not fear, but a feeling there was a bond between them that no one else understood."
What does this mean to you and why?

Chapter 14 Reflection

After reading chapter 14 respond to the question:
When Mina and Anna took a walk they ran into a special visitor. What happened that made Mina happy? How would you feel if this happened to you. What does this tell you about what people may think about others and what they are really like?

Chapter 13 Reflection

After reading Chapter 13 respond to the question:
Who was the special visitor that met the family at camp? What would you do in this kind of a situation?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Chapter 12 Reflection

After reading Chapter 12 respond to the question:
Mina and her family were heading to New Braunfels, where was their first stop? Write about an important  detail or event that happened at that point in the journey.

Chapter 11 Reflection

After reading Chapter 11 respond to the question:
Where were Mina and her family were heading to find out about their land? Write about an important  detail or event that happened at that point in the journey.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Chapters 1-10 Compare and Contrast

Mina Jordan is sad to leave her home in Germany, but she expects her new life to be full of adventure and excitement.

Compare and Contrast:
1. Mina's Life in Germany to Mina's Life on the Margaretha
2. Mina's Life in Germany to Mina's life at Indian Point

Chapter 10 reflection

After reading chapter 10 respond to the question:
Papa and Heinrich Kaufmann went in together to buy the wagon. This could be considered a partnership. Describe an experience you have had working in a partnership or working as a team. 

Chapter 9 reflection

After reading chapter 9 respond to the question:
Mina experienced a great loss. Write about a loss you have had in your life. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Chapter 8 reflection

After reading chapter 8 respond to the question:
Mina hung a red ribbon on a bow on the top of a branch. This helped the community share in the holiday spirit. What would you hang on the tree and why? 

Chapter 7 reflection

After reading chapter 7, post a response:
 Mina’s family has arrived on the coast of Texas. As you reread this chapter, make a list of descriptive words and phrases the author used to describe the “paradise” they found when they landed in Texas. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Chapter 6 reflection

After reading chapter 6 respond to the question:
Mina says, “Galveston is only a village...I thought it was the largest city in Texas.” (page 33). Mina is excited to arrive in Galveston; however, it is smaller than she expected. Write about a time when you were disappointed. 

Chapter 5 reflection

After reading chapter 5 respond to the following question:
The Margaretha began to seem like Mina’s home. List 3 everyday occurrences that make life on the ship seem like life at home. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Chapter 4 Reflection

After reading Chapter 4 respond to the following question:
Mina was comforted by her family during the storm. How would you comfort a family member who was scared during a severe weather alert? 

Chapter 3 Reflection:

After reading Chapter 3, respond to the following question: 
Mina and her family unpacked their personal items in their compartment on the Margaretha. What kinds of things do you think they would have taken on their trip back then and why? What personal items would you take if you were moving to another country today and why?

Chapter 2 Reflection

After reading Chapter 2, respond to the following question: 
Opa presented Papa the little wooden wall clock. What special gift would you want to give a loved one if they were leaving for a long time to remember you by, and why? 

Chapter 1 Reflection

After reading Chapter 1, respond to the following question: 

Mina’s family decided to pick up everything and move to Texas to start a new life and find new opportunities. How would you feel about moving to another country that has a different language, culture, and religion?