Thursday, April 30, 2015

Chapter 3 Reflection:

After reading Chapter 3, respond to the following question: 
Mina and her family unpacked their personal items in their compartment on the Margaretha. What kinds of things do you think they would have taken on their trip back then and why? What personal items would you take if you were moving to another country today and why?


  1. Angelina-pheanis
    I think they will thake paper to write letters to opa or a villagers, clothing so they can something to wear, and photos to remember there loved ones or the ones who passed away

    1. That is so cleaver and smart 😊:)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Smart thinking

  2. Angelina-pheanis
    I would take my friend Laura I dont wanna be all alone,devices to contact people, supplies to make sure I don't get hurt and I won't starve to death, clothing so I have something to wear, my grandma because I need someone to take care of ME! And make sure I stay alive

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    2. So caring and principled to and that's awsome:) ;) :)

    3. I would want to take a friend to and supply's to not get hurt.

  3. jesslee-pheanis i think they will take clothes so they can wear it insted of wearing the same clothes over and over again.Also they would take some blankets and some pillows so they can be cozy.

  4. jesslee-pheanis i would take some clothes so the clothes wont be dirty and i have to stay with the same clothes.Also some blankets and pillows to be cozy.Also some paper and pencils so i can write to the people i left behind

  5. Carlos-pheanis
    I think they would bring food,stuff to drink,and blankets to stay warm.
    And I would bring food,drinks,umbrella,and a pocket knife just in case an accident or stranded.

  6. Victoria-Pheanis
    They would take food,clothes,shoes,toys,books,colors,journals,jacket,winner boots,gloves,I would take a phone,iPad,clothes,pillow,toys,food,teddy bears,books,colors,diary,color books,journal.

  7. Victorya Alfaro-pheanis
    I think Mina's family would have taken blankets and pillows because Mina's family could stay warm and comfortable at night.
    I would take food,clothes,and a first aid kit because food is something I need when I get to the new country,the clothes are also a need and the first aid kit is for when I get hurt.

  8. I would bring cloths,food pajamas so I can be comfortable when I'm asleep

  9. Coni-mis pheanis
    When I move to a new a paradise
    I would take my clothes,food,and a doll
    To keep me cumpuny😀

  10. Mina's family took food,blankets,pillows,matre's to sleep at night

  11. Esteban-Pheanis
    i think they would of taken food and water so they wont get hungry

  12. Esteban-Pheanis
    i would take my ipad so i can text my friend

  13. mina did take food,blankets,pillows and thing that i will take will be my juner to wite howit felt over there

  14. Laura-pheanis
    I would take my iPad so I can contact people,my clothes becuse I need to perfect my self and my mom and dad.

  15. They would take water food a speacil toy because the water and food I'd so that they do not starve to death.And the toy is if they are lonely.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Good I think your a nerd because you are smart.

    3. I love it :) :) :)

    4. It was cool like the boxes for the stuff

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Kaylie Cravens-Mrs.Rogers
    I would take cups,blankets,clothes and toothpaste and my toothbrush,coloring books and my stuff animals with me that is what I will bring with me on the trip.

  18. mina s family took sheets, pillows, air mattresses, clean dishes like plates and cups

    i would have taken an umbrella and air tanks just for emergencies and kind of the same thing that mina s family took on their trip to the howdy country/state

  19. I think they would take clothing so they can change and be clean and photos so they can remember other family members.

  20. I Would take food,water,football,my iPad,some pillows,blankets,medicen, and my family.

  21. Kaleb I moved I would take my clothes something to sleep with and cups I wiud take all the things I will use.

  22. I would take a special toy,cloths,and my electronics.The toy is to keep me company.The cloths is so I can wear clean cloths everyday.And the eletronics are to contact family and friends and if I am bored I can play with my eletronics.

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  23. I think they took cup's food blanket doll and book they took that stuff because it will keep them alive and happy what I would take is my iPod toy food water blanket why would I take that stuff because it would keep me happy alive and if I was scared it would make me fell safe. :) :) :)

  24. I think they brang new clothes so they don't smell and people are smelling it and thinking they are crazy.i would bring a pencil a a lot of paper to draw while I'm bord.

  25. Aaron Cantu/Mrs Rogers
    I would take battery's and a flashlight(the battery's are for the flashlight)pre cooked ,a lamp,pillows,blankets,clean clothes,shoes,medicine just in case a 🚓🚒🚑🚨, and lot of water and lots of food

  26. Alanis Morales/Mrs Rogers :) <3
    I would take my cat and My Two dogs with me so they will hunt with me to get food and take some water and food .I'll take my toys a compass and my iPad and lots of clothes
    And lots of cat and dog food for my dogs and cats. And take my mom and brothers

    1. I would do that to to save people and pets

  27. I would take my money

  28. I would take my clothes and my pillows and blanket because I would not trust the furniture around the house and I would take my iPad because we might never come back

  29. Eddie
    If I went to another country I would take a photo of my family because I will miss them. I would also take my favorite pillow because I sleep on it everyday. I will also take my iPad so that is could message my family and friends. I would also take my gaming device so that I can play with my friends. I would also take all my clothes. If I was going on a trip and back I would take some clothes because I would then have nothing to put on. I would also take my iPad so that I could text my dad and family.

  30. I would have to dogs help us to get out of the bad place and take a lot of food so the people won't starve to death

  31. Lydia Garcia-Mrs. Rogers
    I think they would like to take Food,Blankets,and Shoes because so they could go to sleep all the way over.I will take my iPad, Blanket,and pillows so I could go asleep.

  32. I would take my family.and some food cloths.and blankets.

  33. I think they have a lamp so whene Mina gets scared like the storm in chapter 4 a pot.
    For there food and some there clothes so they won't wear the clothes and jackets
    And a tooth brush and toothpaste and some band-Aids for emergency . And now from
    Me if I was on a trip I would bring clothes my calone some book's so whene I'm bored
    A laptop and movies that I like some shoes and socks and a notebook and a pencil so I can write a story about the trip and I'm done Darryl walker

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    1. You can take important things to like a safety kit and cream that heals you when you're hurt

    2. Or when your in pain

  35. When your going away for long you shod talk by sending letters to each other

  36. Scarlet-Vasquez
    Mina could bring photos to remember from there
    And She could bring cloths to wear and food to eat so she won't starve.
    What I would bring is my family and friends.also photos and food .most
    Imported of all clothing to wear .i would bring family and friends so I won't miss then when I'm gone. Photos and food photo for the ones that could not come and food so we won't starve.

  37. I think they take useful things .like food or money.what ever they take could be use ful for there trip.

  38. I will take pictures over there because I would remember the times we had.I would also take something that I found that is personal to me so I can remember by.also a gift that some one gave me to remember the by.

  39. I think that she shouldn't have taken food and something to wear. Most likely she should have taken a camera to take pictures of all the fun time she had over there and maybe even send it to her family members and tell them that at least she's fine and all personally I would have done the same thing.

  40. Vasquez
    They should have taken a things to make them feel safe when a storm
    is heading there way and a rain jackets

  41. I think they would take clothes shoes and some coats
    Hats because in Texas it is super hot and cold

  42. Vasquez
    I would take rain jackets flash lights to help me in a storm
    and a few water bottles to drink if we are stranded in the middle of nowhere!
    and some diving gear and matches and wood

  43. I well take my book and also I well take my and also I well take my iPad and my phones because also I could take my time Pictures and also I well, take my clothes so if the night gets cold I cover whit that why so I won't have cold I the night and so my family have things.

  44. They should have taken a camp fire to be warm when ever is cold like when is snowing or is winter or not they wouldn't hace fun outside togheter as a family or they will stay in the house and be board so the camp fire will keep them safe from the winter

  45. Mina took pillows and dishes.
    If I would go rite now I would take clothes and what Mina's family took.

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  47. I would take some clothes and some shoes and gackets and some hats

  48. Vasquez
    In the old times they must have taken food,clothes,water,kitchen supplies,toilet paper, and blankets also jackets and beds.they will also take personal items like brushes,pony tails and people take iPads,phones,iPods,computers,games,food,junk food,shampoo and make up ,clothes,hair dryers,makeup,kitchen supplies,toaster,microwave, and electric pans.

    1. I think that would take clothes , food and water things that are valuable. To them.what I would Take is some clothes, water, And bread if I need some thing to intertane me I would bring a book, my iPad and a charger of the ipad.

  49. Vasquez
    I would take clothes,shoes,and a book.I would take a books because then if I don't know there laugaunge.I would take clothes for the next day or to go to sleep.

  50. I think they would only take clothes,food,and dishes because if they take things they don't need anything is going to fit in there anyways if they try to stick it in it won't fit.if we would move we would take our clothes and electronics because we have way different things that what they had back then

  51. I'll take a jacket because sometimes there's a storm and then It gets cold to death so I think I need 2 jackets and pants or like snow could happen sometimes it get worst and worst like a tornDO.."

  52. I will take clothes,shoes,food,sandos for I
    could walk around to the park to play with

  53. Desiree Prestwood vasquez
    I think they would take a photo of her family so she
    Can remember her family with all her love.iwold take a photo
    And a book of their country so I can know what they do or language.

  54. I would bring something valleybow and precious from a special place.

  55. Bedroom,breakfast,lunch,dinner,bathroom in a ship because that what's in your house and your family.

  56. I was disopponted of my mom she embassrest me in my school play.Because she keeps yelling that my son in the middle the one with the red t shirt.

  57. Vasquez I would bring my braclet because my mom made it for me when I was Veary little so that what I would bring with me if I moved away to another country

  58. vasqez I will not want to go
    to another countriy they will have different stuff
    Over there

  59. She can take photos from ther and she can take food and clothes for she won't strave if I did it I would bring food and clothes for I wont strove but most importantly is clothing to wear

  60. Vasquez i think they took some clothes and some food and water to survive in Texas i would take a first aid kit just in case and some food to survive in the wilderness
