Monday, May 4, 2015

Chapter 8 reflection

After reading chapter 8 respond to the question:
Mina hung a red ribbon on a bow on the top of a branch. This helped the community share in the holiday spirit. What would you hang on the tree and why? 


  1. I would hang a angle because it make me think of God and my nana

    1. I like Angels couse they are from god

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I would to so I can talk to good if my grandma is with me.and my grandpa i wish he was with me to be with me.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I would hang decorations to show spirit and be able to share are filling.And be happy and be positive.And be prepared for anything that comes your way.

    1. me too i would do that and that is clevar ;]

  5. I would hang a angle make me think of God.i love angle because it is what you are going to be.when you go to heaven.

    1. Me to deven I would do the same thing. I would do that so god don't think that I am a bad person

  6. vasqez I Will hang a picture
    Of me on the tree because I am
    My parents favorite and because
    When I am sad I will look at the picture and I won't be sad anymore

  7. I would hang a cross.becouse it is from God.i could look at it when times are bad.and becouse Christmas is from God and jesus.becouse it is Jesus birthday on Christmas.

  8. Alanis Morales -Mrs Rogers
    i would put a shell because it will remind me of the the beach.I would hang it because it will remind me of a crab name shelly but it died on the beach it was my faviorte pet crab it was cool. That's why i would have a shell on top of a tree.

  9. Eddie
    i would hang a Christmas star because it will give me the Christmas spirit. It will also remind me when people are having a feast on Christmas day. Also it will remind me of the night with all of the peaceful star and brezze. It also remind me of the tall Christmas tree with the star on the top. It will also remind me of the present that you open on Christmas day and all of the Christmas decorations.

    1. I would put the same thing

    2. I would hang a Starr also because it is the spirit for us to be happy and thankful

    3. what a good idea ;] i would do that to

  10. Leia ochoa - mrs. Rogers what would I hang on a tree I would hang on a tree a little angle and Jesus because those two represent Christmas.

    1. You are correct I like it nice

    2. That is good Jesus is a angel I love Christmas

  11. What i would put on my christmas tree would be a cross or an angel or something i made so that i could put on the christmas tree because in that day it is gods birthday and makes me think about him when there are bad days or good days

  12. I think if I went to heaven I would bring peace to the whole world. And different people around the galaxy and in space.

  13. I would put an angle because its a simble of El niño dios

    1. what and you spelled simble rong it is symbol

    2. el ninio dios ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    3. oh and + he got you

  14. I the top of a tree I well hang a picture beacuse to people to people to donate and I well also I well to my parents to favourite and when people are sad then when im remember and I wont be sad any more

  15. Vasquez
    A star shaped Sea shell
    So it would be like a regular star that you
    Have at home ,but a little different in a way.

  16. Vasquez
    I would hang a bow made out of ribbon.i would hang it because she makes them.I would hang a ribbon because I don't get to see my aunt that much.I would hang a bow because she gave me it as a gift and it means a lot to me.

  17. I would hang a angle because it reminds me of my grandparends and makes me think of God that why I would put a angle in a Christmas tree I would put a angle on Christmas tree

  18. Vasquez I would place a picture of Jesus so he can help us when we need it or so the people would pray to have at least something to do or pray for

  19. I would hang a perfect shell so
    It can remind of the ocean and
    A reminder of what fun I had
    That day.

  20. Vasquez
    i would hang a picture of my family because if something ever bad happened
    to them i would go to the tree to remember them

  21. The cross beause its the simble of god and jases

  22. I'll put a cross on top of a tree because we're celebrating Jesus birth day.also because we celebrate like that.thats why I would put a cross on top.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I will put a candy cane because i
    All ways put one on my Christmas

  25. A rope and shells so I can make a star , rocks , dried fish ,seaweed.

  26. I would put an angle of the picture of my grandpa to remind me of him just for when I feel lonely in my house because I always play by my self so I just watch tv and I will hand a red ribbon for me

  27. vasquez
    I would hang a picture of my grandma on it so that it would remind me of my grandma

  28. I would hang ordamints and stringers because that the spirit of Christmas.

  29. Vasquez
    I would put a angel because Christmas is the day when
    Jesus was born and it is the meaning of
    Christmas and everyone puts a angel on the top of every Christmas tree

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. i would hang a starr because it is another symbol of jesus

  32. Vasquez
    I would find two sticks and make a cross. because ... because because I love Jesus

  33. I would put a pretty pink bow because it would brighten up the tree.

  34. pheanis-jesslee i would put a star so it could twinkle in the tree

  35. Angelina-pheanis
    I would put picture of all my friends and classmates because they are all cool BAD..boys but still I would put the picture on the top

  36. Victorya Alfaro- pheanis
    I would put bright lights because it would make the tree light up with joy

  37. i would put an ANGIOL why because it repesents god :D

  38. Coni-Mis Pheanis
    I would put a star and lights to make the tree special :)


  39. Kaleb GuillenMay 5, 2015 at 11:33 AM
    Kaleb guillen.mrs rogers.When i was small about 5 years old there was a lost in my family. it was my grandpa he died of a sickness he was dead before we got to his house.


  40. i would put lights

  41. I would put a star for the tree to shine bright .

  42. I would put a little petto make me think about my dog

  43. Aaron Cantu\Mrs Rogers
    i would hang up a jersey that i got from my team but a old one because i still use the new ones that i still got,plus i don't use old ones that i got so people can remember me if i left the place that i was in,plus it says my last name in the back,of that jersey,and it say my number in the back of the jersey
