Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Chapter 9 reflection

After reading chapter 9 respond to the question:
Mina experienced a great loss. Write about a loss you have had in your life. 


  1. My loss what my nana.when by dad tolded me my nana die.i was heart broke it made me cry.i did not sleep for 5 day.i did not talk a lot.it made me sad :( :( :(

    1. Same thing as me:(

    2. That happens to me but my great grandma died😭

    3. Sorry for your loss : (

    4. sorry about that

    5. :( i whould have felt that way

  2. A loss I have had was my grandpa Franco.I never got to see him but I knew he was a good person.I was really sad when I lost him.

  3. Nathan Charles-mrs.rogers
    The time when I lost some one was my great great grandma.it was when I i was 3 years old and I would always go to her house and she would make me food.somtimes I would sleep over and watch my favorite movie CARS.ONE DAY I went to her house and she was sick so I was sad.the next day she was asleep and my grandma told me that she had cancer.i would PRAY withi my mom so she can feel better.the next day she DIED.i was crying and crying.

  4. my loss was my dog i was so sad and unhappy when they told me

  5. My other uncle past awayI have a lot of uncles in high school my mom called him . I call him uncle boy
    Whene he past away I didn't know .until my mom said he was gone I didn't know what that meant she said he's dead I was crying and crying I said I want him back but then I saw him in my dream he said don't worry I'm with you

  6. Alanis Morales\Mrs Rogers
    I had a lost before it was my uncle joe. He was the best uncle i had . Frist he was in the hospital he was sick no one knew.Then my grandma went to the hospital and told my mom and my uncles and aunts. Then they went back home and they were sitting down in my grandmas couch .Then my neighbor came and played with us then i said to my cousin where is joe then she said he is gone.I was bursting into tears.That was my lost .


  7. Alanis Morales\Mrs Rogers
    I had a lost before it was my uncle joe. He was the best uncle i had . Frist he was in the hospital he was sick no one knew.Then my grandma went to the hospital and told my mom and my uncles and aunts. Then they went back home and they were sitting down in my grandmas couch .Then my neighbor came and played with us then i said to my cousin where is joe then she said he is gone.I was bursting into tears.That was my lost .


  8. I would fell Hart broking to me because one person past away in are family.And we felt bad and sad for my sell.

    1. I feel sorry for you . Cuse mine die too. :-(

  9. When I graduated from pre-k my mom and dad got me a black baby chiewahwa I named him smokey.He died because he had worms in his stomach I was sad when my mom told me the bad news I was disappointed.He was only 1 week old he was to young to die.I asked if we can get a nuther dog so we replace him with a poodle it was a girl.My mom named her smurfet.

    1. sorry about smokey but at least you have another dog

  10. when i was little i would visit my grandma once a week and take her candy and i took her the candy's because i wanted to make her feel special.so when i took her some she only ate the soft ones because she hardly had any teeth.so time past and i got older and one day she had died . nobody had said anything.so my mom sat me down and told me everything.i was heart broken and i wanted to go see her and my mom told me not right now because there getting her ready for a funeral.when we got i raced inside and i finally reached the coffin. i grabbed her hand. i prayed with her.my mom told me to come sit cause it was starting.then when it was over we went home.

  11. Coni Perez-
    I suffered a great lose I lost my dad
    And, me and my dad where very close ;(

  12. I would feel the same way as mina if my mom died I wouldn't want to leave😭😭

  13. i dont personally know anyone that has died in my family but i feel bad for all of you guys that are vlogging your loss im sorry

  14. it i very sad because her mother died it was very sad because if you think about your other mother died in your hands it will be very sad when ever my mom is sick i do what she longs for i love doing it because i makes her feel better and make her sick ness go away so i love doing it because i love making her feel lot better i take my family when there sad because my grandfather died i comfort my grand mother

  15. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! very sad to leave my mother

  16. I loss someone very close to my family

  17. It will feel sad to lose my mother

  18. Carlos-pheanis
    When I was a new born I had a twin brother me and him were going to be born but I made but he didn't he failed being born and died but I was alive and this is real I lost a twin brother but I still have a big brother I wish he didn't fail to be born :(

  19. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😂😂!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. it's very sad if you lose your dad

  21. Gabriella rodriguez
    I lost my grandpa and we were really close

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. When I lost my grampap and gramma and great grampap I felt sad

  24. i had a dog his name was rex me and him were close i felt sad when he passed :(:(:(

  25. I had a loss it was my grandma she died when I was 5.i loved her so much.she always made cookies for me .

  26. If one of my family members died I will feel sad

  27. i lost my grate grandfother he was 103 wow but i felt sad becausd he was some one in my family

  28. Angelina-pheanis
    my dad passed away a long time ago but we know hes with us. Rest in peace

  29. Angelina-pheanis
    im sorry kalie your dog passed away.

  30. Esteban-Pheanis
    my dog had passed away

  31. Vasquez. When my Tia died I cry and it broke my heart and my gramma told and I could not sleep because my dad also told me and I cry for2 weeks

  32. When i was 8 my favorite grandpa passed away because he was sick and he was passing from Mexico to Weslaco so when he was passing i don't know what happened because i wasn't with him that time he passed away so i felt supper sad.

  33. I lose My Grandma Yolanda she
    died when My mom Was 10 she
    Was so Sick that she died.

    1. i'm sorry for your lost.

    2. vasquez
      my grandma had died 6month ago she had died from cancer and i was so sad because i wasn't with her

  34. Scarlet-Vasquez
    When I lost my kitten he was sick
    And we toke him to the vet and on the way
    He died. I felt sad about that :(

  35. My dog barbe had passed away. Rest in peace :( :(

  36. Vasquez
    When I lost my grandma,I got very sad and just wanted to see her.
    I started to make a bock to put her in.

  37. My uncle died he was on my mom's side. But I didn't know anything about him now I wish that I did know him.But his funeral was still sad.

  38. When I was 10 years old my grandpa died it was tuff for me because he used to call me osito panda and when he passed away pos it was tuff for me because no one called me osito panda

  39. Last year my grandpa died it was about to be his birthday but he died.he died because when he was younger he didn't take care of him self.when we went to his funeral he was wearing his birthday suit

  40. When my grandma died i was so sad and I loved her so much she was the one that made me feel better when I was sad and when she passed away I was so sad
    She toke taker of me when my mom left to a job

  41. I had a cat who I had hid him when he was kitty he was whte and he was the first pet I had we were so close he was my best friend I was so sad when I found out he passed away :(

  42. I had a grandpa that died when i so little but i can't remember about him because i had a little brain so i only got to see him a little bit and i cried how he died because i loved as a family😢😢

  43. I loss my favorite grandpa when I was just born I think that was the last time I saw he it made me sad when I found out how he past.

  44. I once lost someone very close to my heart and I know this might sound foolish but unlike everyone else that had a family member die I had a family pet die. I never really believed it would happen to me if you've ever had a pet or family member pass away it's very hard. I cried uncontrollably love is a big word to most people and I loved her so much that day I lost her was the hardest day ever!! :'( rest in paradise Lola </3

  45. My dad' brother died in a car accident in the streets and all of my family was crying but my dad was crying a lot.

  46. Vásquez about year ago i my mom was going to have a baby we called him Jazon we were so happy but then some weeks later our dad tells us in the car that our little brother did not make it out.It was so Sad when we went to the funeral and after that i started to behave bad.

  47. I have lost my tia and it
    was sad because she
    passed out by sickness

  48. Aaron Cantu\Mrs Rogers
    lost my grandmoms sister,because she died by smoking,
    but shence she kept smoking she got lung caner,so she ended up dieing,and it was so sad when she died
