Friday, May 1, 2015

Chapter 5 reflection

After reading chapter 5 respond to the following question:
The Margaretha began to seem like Mina’s home. List 3 everyday occurrences that make life on the ship seem like life at home. 


  1. Mina problebly felt a home because of the beds they had.The home cooked meal they had.The friends she had.And because mina probably felt like she had naghboors.

  2. Eating sleeping and dancing and having a really good and boring time so times like when I'm at home it can be fun and my house there's not that much to do.

  3. The first one is my family because they make me fell safe.and they make me happy. When I am iPod because it keep me happy and.I can text my friend and see how they are doing. mybecause they are fun to play with. And they are silly and funny.

    1. That was really smart and cool deven

    2. That is way cool whene you said your family and you feel safe wow that blew
      My mind

  4. A restroom a room and a kitchen in boat And home

  5. What dose the word befriend mean?

    1. To become friends with someone by helping them and supporting them. Good question.

    2. To become friends with someone by helping them and supporting them. Good question.

  6. Vasquez
    You can find some water,
    Some bathrooms,
    And some food

  7. It will have a nice and clean floor.
    Nice and clean dishes.
    Have some music on!;)

    1. That's what I could find too

    2. I well have too a nice clean floor and also I would have a music on to and also I could have a little bqq and also I would have a if I would got in the ocean I would also drown in the ocean and also I would have a bad animals .

  8. Leia ochoa - if I were on a ship I think it would feel like home to me because it would probably have the stuff we do on the days like dance play celebrate there birthdays for them and have are own little BBQ, and I would enyoy being on a ship because u get to see animals that live in the ocean and sometimes u can be scared when you are on a ship because when it rocks side to side probably sometimes up and down and there is sometimes dangerous animals In the ocean and it would sometimes not feel like home when dangerous or bad stuff happen to u it will never or ever fill like home when there's dangerous or bad animals or about the ship and that's how I will feel if a ship would feel like a home.

  9. If I was on a ship for three days and it will feel like life .because you sleep there and eat and well they do give stuff in the story and in the story there's rooms that feels like life sometimes there's probably a kitcen there's always bathroom's and closet's to Hang
    Your clothes . And there's a lot of food so you won't starve that's how it will feel on a ship ... Darryl walker

    1. I like your story because it was funny cool and w
      Awesome :) :)

    2. I like how you said it feels like "life".

  10. In the ship there were beds and rooms well at home I have my own bedroom also a kitchen they had a kitchen on the ship and there were children playing like you would at home.

    1. I would see those things if I was there and kids running

  11. Vasquez
    Clean rooms
    Clean things
    And food

  12. Food ,beds,and bathrooms is like if you were at your house because their is food at your house beds and bathrooms so I think that's why Mina felt like if that was her house because she might had all those things in her house

  13. Vasquez
    The floors always clean,and there's some food.There could be clean rooms.

  14. Vasquez
    Life would be the same on a ship and in a house first of all you could prepare meals for your family.second you go to sleep like you do in a house and you go to sleep whenever you want you also take a shower everyday and in a house you also take a shower

  15. Alanis Morales /Mrs Rogers
    I would bring my cat because she loves me and I love her to.Also I would bring my drawing so I could remember those times.I will bring my hoots so I could have my family in the photos so I won't be sad.Thats what I would do so I won't be a so lonely. :)

    1. So great you have a cat is it cute and I also love cat and baby cats

  16. Vasquez The bed rooms their would remind me of my room and the food their on the ship would remind me of the garden I had at my old house and the wood would remind me of my old house

  17. Food because I have plenty of food
    At home,books because I have so
    Many books I read at home,and
    My collection of nail polish because
    I always paint my nails

  18. I was disappointed when
    My mom told me she
    Was going to get me a dog
    And she din't get me

  19. Aaron Cantu/Mrs Rogers
    My family pictures that are on the wall,my clothes that are in my drawer and my dogs cage,plus tha mail that come to our home and it practically says on the mail we get it said (CANTU ~~~~~~~)
    (It said our address and stuff)
    My tia know that it is our house

  20. Food because we have food at home
    Clothes because we have clothes to wear
    Beds because we have beds to sleep on

  21. I find in a boat
    A bed (clean)
    Clean rooms

  22. In the ship ther are rooms that have tv that remains me if my house.ther are food in a ship that remains me in the house and restrooms that we do are stuff that remaids me of my house

  23. My bed because I always sleep at night and my toys because I play with my toys because I'm always board there and my closet because I always go inside my closet to put my clothes to get them dry

  24. i would feel wind going through my face. at night time i can see sparkling stars. and also seeing fish swimming too. i can play with the children up on the deck too. i will help the sailor too. i can catch fishes too. chow

  25. I would make some soup,water,juice,snacks, and entertaining stuff from keeping me from Keeping me bored. :)

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Adrian Melara mrs Rogers if i were on a ship i would but a basketball court in my room

  28. Adrian Melara mrs Rogers if i were on a ship i would but a basketball court in my room and play all day and go to sleep all day

  29. Adrian Melara mrs Rogers if i were on a ship i would but a basketball court in my room and play all day and go to sleep all day

  30. Adrian Melara mrs Rogers if i were on a ship i would but a basketball court in my room and play all day and go to sleep all day

  31. Adrian Melara mrs Rogers if i were on a ship i would but a basketball court in my room and play all day and go to sleep all day

  32. Three things on a ship that will make it feel like home is that I will have a bed to and next dorm neighbers.

  33. Lydia Garcia-Mrs.Rogers
    I would make the ship feel like home by sleeping all day long.If the ship had a pool
    I would go to the pool swimming cooling off the sun breeze on me.If there was a arcade room I would go to the arcade room when ever I want to go because arcade games are fun.

  34. The thing that is the same is as a home is when she went to the room with the window and it looked like a living room .the other thing is a bed it looks like a bunk bed but it is a side beds.the other things the kichten seems like a real one becuase she has dishes and she cooks food.the kichten has a table to and it looks like a real one

  35. Kaleb Guillen mrs Rogers.if I would feel at home in a ship I would want a room.i would also want a room and for people to treat me with respect.also for there could be some entertainment for Family and kids and friends.also books for reading and some fun stuff.

    1. Good one thank u for using things that are apprpreiate and school stuff:):):):):)

  36. Gavin Perez-mrs.roger.if I would feel at home in a ship i would want a room.i would also want a room. so I want a special room that I feel safe in and have food with me and water.and have someone help me with stuff that I can't do.

  37. Vasquez
    i would want food,respect,tv, and other things
    i would want those things because i want to feel like
    at home

  38. Carloszuazua-phean
    mina felt the margaretha as her home by
    Bed,food,and room.

  39. Victorya Alfaro-pheanis
    I would feel at home on a ship with a bed because I would need somewhere to sleep and a mini kitchen with food also clothes to wear.

  40. she felt home because there were beds and every house there are beds.Also there were food and we need food so we can eat at the house.Also there were also a view to watch outside and there are windows so we can see outside

  41. Victoria-Pheanis
    Mina would bed,clothes,and food

  42. Eddie
    One thing is a friend or neighbor that you can play with on the ship. Also a picture of your family so you can remind yourself about your family. The last thing is a nice meal that you like so that you can make it and then you can eat it.

  43. Vasquez
    I think that clothes are part of a every day life. pictures like the pictures. That you hang at home can remind us of home because we hang them at home. Forks can remind us of home because we use them at home.

  44. I would feel happy because I live in the ocean.
